About Me

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I'm a single mom, under 35 and under $35K. This blog is a project as my son begins kindergarten and we will need to re-adjust some things... with life comes change right?

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Budgets are Sexy Giveaway

This blog (http://www.budgetsaresexy.com/) is one of my favorites to read everyday. It's humorous, makes me envious of his income and savings and has some pretty good advice. They are doing a giveaway right now to win $500, sponsored by Life Insurance Finder.

$500 - that would help pay so many bills like G's after school care, his various school projects or even the enormous amount of dog food the dogs go through. Seriously they only have 4-8 oz. cups each a day but it seems to go down so much more in the Rubbermaid container.

Who couldn't use some extra cash? I wouldn't even charge a finder's fee if you win. :)